About Us

Our purpose: Making disciples through relationships and training them to become like Jesus.

What to expect:

We do not have a dress code. Some people dress up; others dress causally. We do not care how you dress, but we are very glad you joined us.

At no time will you be singled out as a visitor. Sometimes we have a short greeting time where everyone greets those sitting around them.

You do not have to give money. Offering plates are passed around, but these are for our members. We would very much appreciate you filling out a visitors card, and if you do, placing it in the collection plate instead of an offering. You have no obligation to give, so do not feel pressured to give.

We really do think of ourselves in terms of family. We are like other families; the only difference is that we depend on Christ and each other in the midst of life’s challenges, knowing that Jesus makes us perfect in the eyes of God.